
People upside down on a roller coaster

Rob Reiner said about Trump supporters: “The people who support him are frightened to death of the browning of America.”

Why does he never have anything nice to say about people he wants to see as racists, so he can have a group of people to feel morally superior too? Sorry, did I accidentally put the answer in the question again?

But the critical point here are the techniques used to turn everything on its head.

  1. Using the overly dramatic phrase frightened to death of the browning of America. Who’s trembling in fear about immigration so badly they may keel over and die? In fact, who’s afraid at all? Surely, and here’s the clever bit, it’s that people don’t want it rather than their being afraid of it. Why intentionally turn a dislike into a fear if not to imply that you’re frightened of certain types of people, which means you’re a racist? Damn it, I did it again.
  2. Saying a lie with confidence. How does he know whether Trump supporters are frightened or not? But say something with confidence and all the people who believe based on authority and not critical thinking will believe you. There are advantages and disadvantages to this method of debate. The advantages are that it’s quick and easy to prove your point. The disadvantage is the intelligence level of the person you can convince.
  3. Isn’t he painting all Trump supporters with a broad brush. I thought you’re not allowed to do that, or does that rule only apply to the one group for which it is ever used.

And the most important point of all. Somehow it has been determined, and I don’t know where or when or who was involved in that decision, that not wanting your culture changed was racist.

I didn’t get that memo. Perhaps you did and can let me have a copy.

No, the idea that you don’t want your culture changed is not racist at all. Racism means treating someone unjustly because of their race. That’s means no violence towards them or not letting them participate or have the same opportunities as you, on those grounds. It does not mean giving them all your stuff or letting them change your culture. Keeping your own things and your own culture is not unjust treatment.

This is true under neutral circumstances and even more so in instances where the change will be from a good culture to a bad culture. If you don’t want your culture of freedom and justice changed to one of violence and oppression then not only is that super unracist, it’s actually a very good idea indeed.

What’s really disgustingly immoral is to try and change American culture without the consent of its people. That’s undemocratic. That’s un-American. It’s low, it’s underhand, it’s deceitful and dishonest – and all the other synonyms in the thesaurus.

And if you thought it couldn’t get lower you’d be wrong, because what’s even worse than trying to changing American culture without the consent of its people, is to try and change American culture without the consent of its people and accuse anyone who tries to stop it of being racist.

Totally upside down.

As expected from the Left.

Sam Taylor

I'm Sam Taylor. I don't really like pointing out stupidity when I see it, but I'm going to. It's my way of reaching out to those who can actually think.

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