The Pro-Choice Argument of Bodily Autonomy Is a Lack of Perspective
The Real Problem with Safe Spaces Is It Creates Emotional Retards
Using the Common Sense Test to Disprove Leftist Ideology
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I always thought that defunding the police is a bad idea for one simple and obvious reason: Less police leads to more crime. Then I found out that Leftists believe there’s a lot of police...
Welcome to a complete guide of Pro-Life answers to Pro-Choice arguments. With ten arguments that fall into one of four categories of Pro-Choice objections and simple and easy answers for each one,...
Abortion Is Murder (If Not One of the Worst Forms of Murder)
Abortion is murder and this can be proven scientifically. The ‘personhood is what counts’ objection to this can be refuted in two ways. The first is by showing how a complete version of this...
There are two sides to the abortion debate. One which believes that killing a baby is the reason why abortion is wrong and the other side that is wrong. Oh yeah, it’s going to be one of those...
There are two types of Pro-Life arguments. The first are reasons for being … erm … well Pro-Life while the second are actually rebuttals of Pro-Abortion arguments. You’ll notice as you read...
The Real Problem with Safe Spaces Is It Creates Emotional Retards
All sane people will have noticed the disturbingly large amounts of stupidity rampaging unstoppably through the Western world in recent years.A lot of it is an attempt to ensure people’s safety....